Dojo Select

What is Dojo Select?

Dojo Select is a self-paced learning platform for upskill purposes. It is a monthly subcription based solution for people who wants to learn more and beyond what they currently know.

How much does it cost?

It hasn't launched yet, unfortunately. The platform is built though and is targetted to launch completely within Q2 of 2023.

The cost will be Php 1,500-2,000 per month depending on the scale of learning you wanted to have.

The Dojo Company is planning to launch Dojo Select and Dojo Select+ for everyone.

What will the Dojo Select Platform have?

We'll try to launch everything that can help you with on upskilling. Starting from Creative skills like graphic design, video editing, website development, and alike. Up to soft skills, such as Strategies, Sales, Persuasion, Closing, Public Speaking, Presenting, and many more.

Why is it taking so long for you to launch it?

We're still in the process of screening mentors, coaches, and instructors that can share their skills and knowledge with everyone. We ask for you to be patient with us.

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