Maximizing TFD's Facebook Community

  1. Overview
  2. Facebook Group Navigation
  3. Maximizing TFD's Facebook Community

How can you maximize TFD's Facebook Community?

Maximizing it is actually easy, but it's oftentimes hard for most people.


Because there's too many groups you're lurking in. When there's too much noise in your feed telling you what you "need" to do without actually caring whether you do it properly or not.

Why are we saying this?

Because we've been there. We've followed groups, communities, and tribes. Paid for their "subscriptions" only to see myself struggle in understanding what they really want me to do.

Asking me to do things that I'm not prepared on dealing with.

So, how can I maximize the group?

  1. Choose and commit to the groups you're following.
  2. Set an inner standard and study the group to see if it really cares about your growth or are they just asking for your money or to get your attention for a bit of motivation.
  3. Set a priority time for you to absorb knowledge, and actually apply what you've learned.
  4. Communicate and collaborate with the community.
  5. Be patient.

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