Become a Dojo Company Investor/Shareholder

  1. Overview
  2. The Dojo Company
  3. Become a Dojo Company Investor/Shareholder

The Freelancers' Dojo is part of a more prominent organization, The Dojo Company, backed by TRS Venture Group LLC.


The Dojo Company (TDC) is currently 100% privately owned by TRS Venture Group and, later on, shall be re-incorporated as TRS Venture Holdings.


TDC supports the creation of specialty Dojos or training grounds for specific skills areas and expertise. And we'll open investing options for the company's platforms selling shares and equity ownerships.


Started on a $40,000 investment in year one. Based on a calculated discount rate of 10.0%, TDC's estimated business value is $1,451,739.

Detailed Chart of Calculator Results

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