What are the War Room Pillars?

Pillar One: Foundations

The Foundations is a course available for those inside the War Room to go through to master the mindset preparation for becoming a great entrepreneur.

This discusses mindset, confidence, mind programming, tips, and tricks to win over your mind's power and defeat laziness, procrastination, and bad habits that collectively become a detriment to your success.


Pillar Two: Skill Expertise

The Expertise is a course that is made to expand your knowledge about your skill. Learn the best way to defend your skill and sell its advantages based on your market's needs.

This discusses how you can choose and commit to your skill and reflective questions you can ask yourself to help commit to improving your skill and be a key resource person.


Pillar Three: The Art of Niching Down

The Art of Niching Down is a course made to give clarity about who to serve, and how you can maximize your expertise to sell irresistibly to your chosen niche.

This course discusses clarity questions to choose the perfect and final choice of market that you will serve as you start or improve your freelancing journey.

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